Wilderness Stewardship Groups around the Country
The National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance’s big goal of having every Wilderness area in the county served by a Wilderness stewardship organization can come true because of all the hard work by dedicated volunteers and agency staff working together to manage our incredible resource of Wilderness! NWSA is attempting to keep a current list of the wilderness stewardship groups out there so we can all better network and learn from one another. Feel free to reach out and connect!
If your organization isn’t on the list – we want to know, Click Here
Sitka Conservation Society - http://www.sitkawild.org/
Southeast Alaska Conservation Council - www.seacc.org
Wild South Alabama Field Office - http://www.wildsouth.org/
Back Country Horsemen of Alabama - www.backcountryhorsemenal.com
Alabama Trails Association - http://mygreenbirmingham.com/greenguide/alabama-trails-association/
Ozark Highlands Trail Association - www.ozarkhighlandstrail.org
Friends of the Ouachita Trail - www.friendsot.org
Back Country Horsemen of Arkansas - www.arkansasbch.org
Arkansas Headwaters Wilderness Partners - garna.org/uawv/
Arizona Wilderness Coalition - www.azwild.org
White Mountain Conservation League - http://azwmcl.org/blog/
Sky Island Alliance - http://www.skyislandalliance.org/
Grand Canyon Trust - http://www.grandcanyontrust.org/
Friends of the Forest Sedona - www.friendsoftheforestsedona.org
Wilderness Volunteers - www.wildernessvolunteers.org
Back Country Horsemen of Arizona - www.bchaz.org
San Gorgonio Wilderness Association - www.sgwa.org
Friends of the Inyo - www.friendsoftheinyo.org
Desolation Wilderness Volunteers - www.desowv.org
Ventana Wilderness Alliance - http://ventanawild.org/
Angeles Volunteer Association - http://www.angelesvolunteers.org/index.html
California Wilderness Coalition - http://www.calwild.org/
High Sierra Volunteer Trail Crew - http://trailcrew.org/
Sierra Club Santa Ana Mountains Task Force - http://angeles.sierraclub.org/sam/
Eldorado National Forest Interpretive Association - http://www.enfia.info/
Backcountry Horsemen of California - http://www.bchcalifornia.org/
Pacific Crest Trail Association - http://www.pcta.org/
Wild Places - http://www.wildplaces.net/
Forest Service Volunteer Association - www.fsva.org
Back to Natives Restoration - www.backtonatives.org
Santa Ana Mountains Natural History Association - www.freewebs.com/santaanamountains/
Habitat Works - http://habitatwork.org
Los Padres Forest Association - www.lpforest.org
Kaiser Wilderness Foundation - www.kaiserwilderness.org
Stanislaus Wilderness Volunteers - www.swv1.org
River Exchange - www.riverexchange.org
Condor Trail Association, Inc. - www.condortrail.com
Los Padres ForestWatch - lpfw.org
Back Country Horsemen of California - Los Padres Un - www.bchc-lpunit.org
Student Conservation Association - www.thesca.org/
Volunteer Corps - www.wildernesscorps.com
Arkansas Headwaters Wilderness Partners - www.garna.org
Upper Arkansas Wilderness Volunteers - www.garna.org
Friends of the Eagles Nest Wilderness - www.fenw.org
Grand County Wilderness Group - www.gcwg.org/
Poudre Wilderness Volunteers - www.poudrewildernessvolunteers.org/
Friends of the Dillon Ranger District - www.fdrd.org/
Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers - www.rfov.org/
Friends of Mount Evans & Lost Creek Wildernesses - http://www.fomelc.org/
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies - http://www.aspennature.org/
Forest Conservancy - http://forestconservancy.com/
San Juan Mountains Association - http://www.sjma.org/
Great Old Broads for Wilderness - http://greatoldbroads.org/
Ouray Trails - www.ouraytrails.org
Back Country Horsemen of Colorado - www.bchcolorado.org
Friends of Wilderness - www.friendsofwilderness.com/
Indian Peaks Wilderness Alliance - www.indianpeakswilderness.org
Colorado Fourteeners Initiative - http://www.14ers.org/
Colorado Mountain Club - http://www.cmc.org/
Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado - http://www.voc.org/
Rocky Mountain Field Institute - http://www.rmfi.org/
Wilderness Workshop - http://www.wildernessworkshop.org/
The Wilderness Land Trust - www.wildernesslandtrust.org
Rocky Mountain Back Country Horsemen - www.rmbch.com
Colorado Fourteeners Initiative - www.14ers.org
Front Range Backcountry Horsemen of America - www.frontrangebackcountryhorsemen.org
San Juan Back Country Horsemen - www.sjbch.org
Back Country Horsemen of Florida - www.bchfl.org
Conasauga District Trail Volunteers - http://teamconasauga.org/
Back Country Horsemen of Northwest Georgia - www.bchnwg.org
Okefenokee Wildlife League, Inc. - eventvista.wix.com/okefenokeewlleague
Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation - http://www.selwaybitterroot.org/
Back Country Horsemen of Idaho - www.bchi.org
Winter Wildlands Alliance - www.winterwildlands.org
Idaho Trails Association - www.idahotrailsassociation.org
Idaho Conservation League - https://www.idahoconservation.org
Pulaski Users - https://www.pulaskiusers.org
Youth Employment Program, Inc. - www.youthemploymentprogram.org
Friends of the Clearwater - www.friendsoftheclearwater.org
Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness - http://www.scotchmanpeaks.org/
Kentucky Back Country Horsemen - www.kybch.com
American Hiking Society - http://www.americanhiking.org/
North Country Trail Association - www.northcountrytrail.org
Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness - www.friends-bwca.org/
Northwoods Volunteer Connection - www.mnnvc.org
Show-Me Missouri Back Country Horsemen - www.showmebch.org
Montana Wilderness Association - www.wildmontana.org/index.php
Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Foundation - www.abwilderness.org
The Wilderness Institute - www.cfc.umt.edu/WI/
Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation - www.bmwf.org/
Back Country Horsemen of Montana - www.bchmt.org
Swan Valley Connections - www.svconnections.org
Yaak Valley Forest Council - http://yaakvalley.org/
Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation - http://www.selwaybitterroot.org/
Great Burn Study Group - www.greatburnstudygroup.org
Last Chance Back Country Horsemen - www.bchmt.org/lcbch
Back Country Horsemen of North Carolina - www.bchofnc.org
Partners of Joyce Kilmer Slickrock Wildernss - http://www.joycekilmerslickrock.org/
WildSouth - www.wildsouth.org
Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards - www.trailcrews.org
New Mexico Wilderness Alliance - http://www.nmwild.org/
Back Country Horsemen of New Mexico - www.bchnm.org
New Mexico Volunteers for the Outdoors - http://nmvfo.org/
Nicodemus Wilderness Project - www.wildernessproject.org
Friends of Nevada Wilderness - www.nevadawilderness.org/
Friends of Gold Butte - www.friendsofgoldbutte.org
Friends of the Black Rock High Rock - www.blackrockdesert.org
Back Country Horsemen of Nevada - http://bchnv.com/
Back Country Horsemen of Oregon - www.bcho.org
Hells Canyon Preservation Council - http://www.hellscanyon.org/home/
Wallowa Resources - http://www.wallowaresources.org/index.php
High Cascades Forest Volunteers - www.highcascadesvolunteers.com
Oregon Equestrian Trails - www.oregonequestriantrails.org
Friends of Oregon Badlands Wilderness - www.fobbits.org
Friends of Central Cascades Wilderness - www.centralcascades.org
Phoenix School of Roseburg - www.roseburgphoenix.com
Wallowa Mountains Hells Canyon Trails Association - https://www.wmhcta.org
Friends of Allegheny Wilderness - http://www.pawild.org/
Back Country Horsemen of South Dakota - www.bchofsouthdakota.com
Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards - http://www.trailcrews.org/
Back Country Horsemen of East Tennessee - www.bchet.org
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance - http://www.suwa.org/
Four Corners School of Outdoor Education - http://www.fourcornersschool.org/
Friends of Kings Peak - www.friendsofkingspeak.org
Cottonwood Canyons Foundation - www.cottonwoodcanyons.org
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club - www.patc.net
Mount Rogers Appalachian Trail Club - http://mratc.pbworks.com/w/page/8862374/FrontPage
Back Country Horsemen of Virginia - www.bchva.org
Student Conservation Association - http://www.thesca.org/
Natural Bridge Appalachian Trail Club - www.nbatc.org
Vermont Youth Conservation Corps - www.vycc.org
Moosalamoo Association - http://www.moosalamoo.org/
North Cascades Conservation Council - http://www.northcascades.org/
Washington Trails Association - http://www.wta.org/
Pacific Northwest Trail Association - www.pnt.org
Back Country Horsemen of Washington State - http://www.bchw.org/
Friends of Sylvania - www.friendsofsylvania.org/
Appalachian Forest Heritage Area - http://www.appalachianforest.us/index.htm
Appalachian Trail Conservancy - http://www.appalachiantrail.org/
West Virginia Highlands Conservancy - http://www.wvhighlands.org/
Wyoming Back Country Horsemen - www.wyobch.org
Wyoming Wilderness Association - www.wildwyo.org