Each year wilderness stewardship programs around the country offer internships for individuals to experience working in wilderness. These programs are transformative, not only for the work that is accomplished, but for the effect they have on the participants. This year the Indian Peaks Wilderness Alliance sponsored two interns...learn more about their story...
The Indian Peaks Wilderness Alliance, through a Wilderness Stewardship Performance grant from NWSA, sponsored two wilderness interns in 2017. Rather than write about their experiences, they produced a video which you can watch by clicking this link.
Internship programs often form the backbone of wilderness stewardship activities in smaller wilderness areas. When the federal agencies do not have funds or personnel to do needed work, they turn to wilderness stewardship organizations to fill in the gap. NWSA is proud to partner with these organizations by providing grant funds to support needed work in wilderness. Learn more about our grant programs on the NWSA Grants Page.