
What the heck is WILDXX?

Why just celebrate Wilderness on the 50th Anniversary, why not every year?  Poudre Wilderness Volunteers has an idea whose time may have come...

Two years ago we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act.  But why not celebrate this astonishing legislation every year to recognize its protection of our wilderness heritage!  Poudre Wilderness Volunteers stewards four wilderness areas along the Colorado Front Range.  Last year, on the 51st anniversary of the Act, we celebrated by getting as many of our volunteers as possible into our most remote wilderness areas during “Wild51.”  The goals:  Cover our trails with volunteers during the heaviest visitor use period, meet some new patrol partners, and develop both day hike and backpacking skills.
This year, we celebrated “Wild52,” and plans are underway for “Wild53” next summer.  Like the idea?  Check out this link: http://pwv.org/news-and-information/374-wild52-wilderness-patrols 
Contact Poudre Wilderness Volunteers for more information.   Let’s make it an annual national event!